Page 12 (And 300!)

Kohdok on Oct. 23, 2008

Whoo! 300 pages! I never knew I could get this far! This calls for a celebration! It calls for action! It calls for… T-SHIRTS!!

Now, much to my regret, they cannot be free, but I HAVE opened my very own Cafe Press store at long last!

Click here to go to the FYEO store!

I'll include more later, but it already contains the Total Hunk shirt at the low-low price of $12.99! And that's the shirt I want sold the most! Until I get the html to put a permanent link on the page to it, I'll probably toss it onto each comment page.

Also for sale are the “A cow goes moo” shirt for ladies and a shirt featuring the most popular character: Nosh.