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Kohdok on June 12, 2009

It's the Commies!

Sorry this one's up so late, but a combination of fickle internet and my *ahem* recent purchase of a copy of Final Fantasy VII sort of got in the way.

While on the subject of FFVII, it is my opinion that the so-called “Compilation of Final Fantasy VII”, which includes the movies, spin-off games, and other crap, is nothing but a huge cock-tease. It's like “Oooh, we're showing you something FFVII related with references, but is there a trace of the original game?! Is this close to a remake?! Nope!”

Square, you bastards. All you'd have to do is re-release a direct port to PS3 or PSP and people would buy it in droves! Stop messing with us; it's getting tiresome!