I need a break...

Kohdok on June 21, 2009

Yeah, I'm asking for a bit of a breather from this. With college starting back up, me starting some anti-depressants, and just fatigue in general, I'm tired. Too tired to reliably update this comic four times a week right now. I'm just asking for a little Me-time while I get things in order.

Not to say this comic is going on hiatus, or anything, it'll just get updated more slowly as I have the time and energy. Still, I've given you guys over 400 pages of comics in a little over two years and just now am getting a hitch in my get-along. I think that's a pretty good accomplishment for my first serious webcomic. Not to say I'm getting sick of drawing the comic (I'm just getting a bit tired of it), I just think I'll make some better-quality pages if I take it easy for a bit.

So can you grant me this one, little favor and have a little patience while I pull myself together? Rest assured I WILL finish this story as it would leave a sour taste in my mouth if I left it hanging like this.

Until next time,