Prologue 5 - Final -

Product Placement on Feb. 5, 2008

Gasp! What is it?


Seriously! What is it?

That my good friends is a.. uhm.. a bloby thingy of some sort….

Actually it's supposed to be an alien craft. Similar to the size of the scout. Why is that important. Because to this point, humans have yet to come in contact with intelligent aliens. Finding something like that in this world would therefore be huge.

It's explained in the editing but it contained lots of spoilers so I decided to clean up this page in order to hide them.

Coming up next… uhm ah.. well I guess this is it.

Well it doesn't have to be though, if people are crazy to find out more the by all means bombard me with comments on why I am a god and why I suck if I don't keep updating this comic. Mind you that the quality would not drastically improve at all.

However. If you happen to be a good artist and you want to get your name on a comic then by all means contact me and we could maybe work some magic together.

I'll update some introduction to the main storyline and maybe some sketches of concepts of ships that I thought of after this.