Genesis -Pt3/Final- Pg11

EsoldierX on Dec. 3, 2010

What could this mean? Did a Divine Intervention revived or so dead heroes? Or is there more to this story then meets the eye? Tune in next time for, “Red Time/Blue Time”!

Thus we finish the Genesis Arc. Yay! It will however take some time for the second Arc to be uploaded on DD since I'm planing for that one to show up on Volume 2 of Game Over Plus. And I still have, I believe, 2 more issues to release on the net before I begin Volume 2.

So to kill some time while I finish the other Issues, I decided to upload some new comics. The name of the comic I made is called, “Untold Stories of the Untold”. Catchy, right? lol. But yeah go to my profile or if you see it in the recently updated section on DD, click on it and check it out.