Garden of Corruption ACT1 - VOL1 - Words on beggining

Parapa on Feb. 8, 2014

Technical information:

Name: Garden of Corruption ACT1 - VOL1
Paint tools: pencils and Photoshop CS6 for screentones aplication and letters
Pages: 53 (by now)
Volumes: 1
Gender/tags: Mature, tragedy, violence, fraternal love, brotherhood, religion, japanese culture, english culture, criminal,
Avaible at:…
Languages avaible: English and Portuguese
Author: Parapa Rapa (Victória Fidelis)


Finally done! GC first edition is on!!! Well, let me tell a little bit about the series,

this first volume tells the story about twin brothers called Hashitsuo and Naporeon. as they life slowly goes away from the rules that their society determines, note, they are demons, a smart kind. since they were kids, both have always known that only had each other. The knots are made and broken faster than one might think, little by little, the need for change appears