Legends of the Badverse #1

theRedDeath on Aug. 27, 2021

Allow me to introduce to you: “LEGENDS OF THE BADVERSE”

NOT a separate comic, but a sub-comic WITHIN “Generation Bad”. Generation Bad is a big sprawling ambitious universe, and I have decided to introduce a format where in-between the main “Generation Bad” chapters, I can do smaller more focused side-stories, that focus on other heroes and corners (and TIMES) within the Bad-verse. These stories will still nonetheless be important to the overall “Generation Bad” story, and as such are still contained here within this comic.

“Legends of the Badverse” will also be a format that allows me to experiment artistically. While the main “Generation Bad” chapters will continue to have my full color fully shaded pages, “Legends of the Badverse” will alternate through different kind of art-styles ranging from Black and White, to sketchy, to flats only etc. etc. Hopefully “Legends of the Badverse” will push me as an artists in ways “Generation Bad” won't.

So tune in next Tuesday, for the very first page of LEGENDS OF THE BADVERSE!