37 - George the Dragon: Breaking the Fourth Wall

Loud_G on Jan. 10, 2008

Greetings! I am sorry for the lack of an update last friday, I felt terrible about it, but there was just nothing I could do. Now that the holidays are over though, we are running back on schedule with lots of silly dragon goodness every friday!

This lack of comics has hurt my ranking severely and I hope to remedy that. I used to be in the top 300 but since last week I've falled to top 1000. Shows that not updating kills :D
Just a note though, today's comic did not come as a result of the lessened traffic, I actually came up with this strip idea when I was getting lots of traffic. :)

“Breaking the Fourth Wall” is today's strip, and we find out that not only are we watching George but he's watching us too! :D