Greetings and Salutations Title

Generic Human on Nov. 6, 2006

It may not look like much, but this page was a pain in the ass to do. Maybe it was because I had to meet requirements for my Comp Graphics class…or because I used a tablet for the first time. I respect people who use tablets so much. It's a lot harder than regular inking, but I really like the way it came out. Anyway…this is going on a teeshirt, and I'm incredibly excited about that. On a random note, I think I feel my wisdom teeth coming in. Which means…getting them out. Yikes.

Alright, from left to right: Ash, Fenrir, the Mom, Shae, Danny, Jordan, and Raffie

edit: I saw something wrong, and fixed it, and when I tried to repost it, it wouldn't let me. I dunno if it'll let me now…we'll see.