Haven - Issue 3 - Page 22

makingcomicsstudios on March 4, 2010

This completes the original 3 Issue Mini-Series of Haven. We started this project in 2002 I think or it may have been 2003. I can’t begin to describe how much we’ve learned going through the process of not only making a comic book, but a full colored, 3 Issue mini-series no less. We should have tried to start with smaller eight or ten page stories. But as they say live and learn. So what is next for Haven? I honestly am not sure. There’s actually a fourth issue already written. I’ve also been writing screenplays more than comics these days. I focus on lower budget films as it’s easier to get them optioned not to mention every one and their mother’s dog is trying to get their screenplay optioned or sold. Haven sure isn’t a low budget film so I don’t see at this point turning it into a screenplay. And then there’s the novel format. I actually started one a couple years ago. It’s a time commitment when I have other projects being worked on. BUT! Haven will return in one capacity or another. Anyways. I’m babbling at the keyboard.

Thanks so much again and as always for everyone who took the time to visit our world. I’ll be posting up some pinups and character designs in the next couple weeks. You can keep updated on our other projects at http://www.makingcomicsstudios.com. Be good. Be safe. And as always…PEACE!

Christopher Moshier