- Sentries Make For Good Seats.
- Comic 026: Engie.
- From Behind
- Do you?
- Comic 24: Gay-mers
- What a combo!
- Comic 024: Team Mistress 2
- Start it up
- Comic 023: In the Family
- Comic 022: An opinionated girl.
- Fanart 003: Gene Starwind
- Comic 021: Anywhere Else
- Fanart 002: Gordon Freeman
- Comic 020: I mean, seriously.
- Fanart 001: Integra
- Comic 019: Plus, free food!
- Comic 018: sweating like...
- Comic 017: You'll get used to it.
- Comic 016: You...
- Comic 015: Really.
- Comic 014: Uh-oh...
- Comic 13: Impossible.
- See You Next Week! 1
- Comic 012: Action Scene Part Two
- Comic 011: Action Scene Part One
- Comic 010: ...whabam?
- Comic 009: Nerf or Nothin'
- Comic 008: Sorry, What?
- Comic 007: Oh, I will.
- Comic 006: Quake III: Arena
- comic 005: Closet
- Comic 004: No intarweb?
- Comic 003: Wren!
- Comic 002: Elevator?
Comic 001: Move-in Day
Sentries Make For Good Seats.
Heart Shaped Box on May 17, 2008
I'll get an actual comic up soon, I swearsies.
Orin J Master at 7:38AM, June 19, 2009
"move that kit up, lass!"
Darius Drake at 11:31PM, April 25, 2009
A cute style with a cute comic.
WTHecksicle at 3:58PM, Nov. 30, 2008
You have a cute style
coldfireserge at 9:53PM, Aug. 19, 2008
I just read through the archives and I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your comic.
Berlin Poe at 8:29AM, July 15, 2008
Ah ha! Hey, bitch. Type Ingrid Archer on Google and click images... It's so fucking good it should be a poem or a drug...ah...say hi to the new penis from the old one, love and I hope everything goes real bad for you.
booger at 8:26PM, May 18, 2008
omg this comic is amazing i'm faving it! XD
THKNN_NUL at 8:01PM, May 18, 2008
i fear the guns...