Welcome to Hellspoint

Helspoint on Aug. 9, 2006

Welcome to Hellspoint.
The world is desert interspersed with brief snatches of forest, and all magic that once was, is now naught but a fleeting memory, beautiful and yet diaphanous, insubstantial in the daylight. Faint traces of this long-lost brilliance are still visible, though real sightings of magical abilities are few and far between, and mostly clustered around the industrial town of Hellspoint�pronounced Ellepoint though called Hell�s Point by all who reside there�a dim, nearly-deserted city in the desert, ruled by the Factory on one side and the Wood on the other. No one knows what this Factory makes, only that its �product�, whatever it may be, is kept highly guarded under lock and key, and the Factory itself is enclosed by a massive chain-link fence fueled with lethal sparks of electricity and muddied, watered-down magic. Then there is the River Lethe, polluted by the waste of the Factory, and the miniature town to its west, shacks and small businesses, all full of and run by the strange, dazed, and dumb inhabitants of this small town. And then there is the Wood, the last vestige of magic in this sad, dying world, its greater depths uncharted and unexplored, even by the strange, half-breed magical beings that live within its depths�

Thank you for looking into Hellspoint, and please check back when more comics have been posted and the story has truly set itself into motion… well, that is if the description has caught your interest. I'll try to update Mondays and Fridays, though my schedule will be a bit more random until I get on my feet and into a routine.