HA #2 Pg. 05 by Sebastian_Sandberg and Abt_Nihil

Abt_Nihil on Aug. 25, 2010

Lineart by Sebastian_Sandberg, coloring/lettering by myself.

HA is in a state of emergency - YOUR help is needed! Sebastian Sandberg was originally supposed to draw the next three pages too, but his computer blew up on him. Well, not quite, but enough to make it impossible for him to deliver his pages on time. I stepped in on very short notice (= yesterday) to color this page, but I don't have the time to work on the next three.

So, I need three of you can each come up with a complete page within a week. Or one who can draw three in two weeks. Or two, who… well, if you can do anything, please PQ me!

On a lighter note, dd award winners will be revealed in about two or three weeks, and there's the possibility of submitting acceptance speeches in advance, just in case. So I thought, we could turn the acceptance speech into a collaborative effort too! :3 Those who'd like to could draw their character, or someone else's (with the creator's approval), giving acceptance speeches on behalf of HA (possibly one to three panels each?), and we could paste these together. How about it? (If you'd like to do something in that vein, or just discuss the idea, please post in this forum thread, so we can keep track of who's doing what.)

Thanks for reading and commenting!