HA #3 Pg. 02 by MrHades

Abt_Nihil on Nov. 10, 2010

EDIT: Something seems to have gone wrong during the site revamp and/or server move; reuploading the page doesn't work (plus, this comment is missing some text, which you will realize if you read it further - strangely, there is NO WAY to fix this, no matter what I do). Until I figure out a way to fix this problem without deleting all the comments, Please go here to see the page.

Second page by MrHades, who also designed the villain characters (the poor hero character in the foreground was designed by myself). What you're seeing here is the PG version. You can expect a bit more blood in the print version :P

Script & lettering by Yours Truly.

Also, turns out that up to three pages for this chapter need to be reassigned. If you can do one or several pages within the next two months or so, please PQ me (and I'll be eternally grateful ^_^).

Thanks for reading and commenting!