HU: EGO Pg.7 - by Hero

Nepath on Nov. 10, 2008

Artwork by Hero.

Bonus: Please check out this forum thread for some exclusive bonus features (script, layouts, sketches, trivia…) corresponding to the latest comic page.

Commentary: Adding Vora (top in the 3rd panel) to our roster was a last-minute decision, so don't expect any big character moments for her. And the fact that Proxy is pretty much indistinguishable from Nebulon from here on out gave me some headaches… I should have given her some exposition to explain why she looks the way she does (her superpower being that she assumes others' powers and thus also their looks) - but I didn't. Handling more than a dozen characters and not wanting to hinder the story's advancement meant neglecting some details…

As always, thanks a lot for reading and commenting!

In case you haven't done so already, please check this forum thread for an important announcement concerning this series' future and a chance to apply as an artist for one or two HU short stories I am going to write/organize. Also, literacysuks1 is now accepting applications for Heroes Unite: Alienation here!