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- Filler
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- +Happy Holidays+
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- +ThankYouForReading+
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- +Chapter Two+
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- Valentines!
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- VeranFiller
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- +HotelSoul-ChapterOneCover+
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An average Morning At HotelSoul...
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- filler!
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- stupidexcuse
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- hiatus...
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- Chapter2cover
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- vacation
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- ProlougeCover
+For First Time Readers+
+For First Time Readers+
set on Oct. 20, 2007
If you continue reading on from this point you'll have to endure really bad art and a choppy story line.SO PLEASE START FROM THE NEWER VERSION:http://www.drunkduck.com/HotelSoul/index.php?p=213237 I should delete all the old pages to avoid confusion and clutter but I want to keep all the lovely comments and encouragement people have given me XD So anyway please enjoy the new and improved version of HotelSoul! BTW I took the background photo in this picture in the lovely Co. Wicklow!
konstan_tina99 at 3:24PM, March 31, 2009
Oh beautiful just beautiful! wow
Elleestmort at 11:49AM, April 4, 2008
Molly Loves the KLF at 1:48AM, Feb. 22, 2008
GORGEOUS ARTWORK! Its absolutely stunning!
Ladyknight17 at 6:25PM, Nov. 8, 2007
Wow. Beautiful page!