Sidewalk Cypher

Rori on June 22, 2008

Another update? Is this the Apocalypse? Geez, I hope not, I still have laundry in the wash.

I generally avoid city scenes like these, not because I dislike them but because they take so damn long to draw. If I didn't do it freehand, who knows, it'd probably look better, heh. But then, that just wouldn't be me. While drawing this, I got a little wistful about drawing at 200%, I think it would make stuff like this look far better, but again, takes a lot of time. And it's hard to see a lot of the details anyway, so…enough technic talk for now!

The girl in the last panel is the photo girl from Walgre…I mean, Anonymous Drug Store. I should update more so I won't have to add things like that. sorry D: I also need to get new pens, because they dried up on hiatus! hahaha!

An-Y-Ways, two more updates to go, at least. On Mondays - Start your week off hungry!
(and apparently cheesy)

Also, I'm a thief, but remember, thievery is the sincerest form of…something.