Wake Up

Ziffy88 on June 8, 2008

Aw sleeping in classes so hard not to…finals week this week so lots of fun there…

I kind a did not expect people to really think the last page was suspenseful or anything so thanks guys! I wonder when using gradients for panels is too much. Well at least it worked last time. I take my stars when I get them(I have very low self esteem)

I feel like I probably should start grabbing a ruler and start drawing more objects instead of just adding them digitally like tables and chairs. or get a tablet and start drawing them on the computer.

Also another interest is text size, I'm still not sure what is the most appropriate size for each of these pages.

Anyways if you're still reading this then a little explanation is most definitely in order. The last couple of panels are not suppose to have anyone saying anything and the characters are just mouthing out words yeah I know doesn't work quite as well in a comic—also I really need to deal with those speckles —that's it for now, later and don't forget to leave comments and questions always appreciate them.