Assignment Two - page 7

MuriraRK on Sept. 17, 2009

Do you know how fast you were going, ma'am?
Because I'm not sure, so if you look guilty, I'm going to have to give you a ticket.

Haha, I didn't get a speeding ticket, but Sera's question reminded me of that . So if you get pulled over and the cop asks you how fast you were going, don't tell him something that is OVER the speed limit.


Intersection! I was going on a Lexcore rampage because I'm getting desperate to finish up the whole huge sword thing. But I figured Intersection needed some love, so here it is! Enjoy!

Chris, stop giving her that dirty look.


@ Daihikashousha : Thanks! Also, YES, WII SPORTS RESORT HAS SWORD FIGHTING. So awesome.

@ Vampira101: ANOTHER MIRACLE!