Round 2 page 138

bravo1102 on Jan. 27, 2023

I've decided to split up the Belle's Best comic by genre going forward. Also want to focus the stories some more so I don't end up with one hundred page miniseries but shorter stories like the Anthology story ended up.

This thing is slowly evolving into a Tales of SIG. And don't be surprised if some of the good guys meet some very unpleasant ends.

It's been a bunch of pages so I can reveal that Pink Passion may not be coming back because of problems with the figure. Bad enough Nariko has to get a new body so she'll have a different build after this sequence. Her arm joints just disintegrated. (Which explains that arm bracelet. It was there to hold the glue while it dried. It didn't hold and the other arm went so forced to switch bodies)
Pink Passion always had a problematic head joint and her leg went and there was a whole lot of Bluetak holding her together. But then if she does come back from her stroke because she just has to help Vera? Big Drama.