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- News!
- Yuletide rerun!
- On the way back...
- The History of Holger
- Elder Lore
- Buster is a very traditional Domesticated name
- So let us go to the Elder...
- Clues?
- For reasons of religion
- What's in a name?
- When decades have passed
- Great economic opportunities for the Forest
Autumn Plans
- Commented Rerun: I Hate Reading 3 of 3
- Commented Rerun: I Hate Reading 2 of 3
- Commented Rerun: I Hate Reading 1 of 3
- Commented Rerun: Signs aren't that easy
- Commented Rerun: Being snarky doesn't help the rookie, Sylvia!
- Commented Rerun: Martha is a pain in the tail.
Commented Rerun: Discretion, Anonymity
- Pictures from my vacation 6:Vague but firm determination
- Three years!
- Pictures from my vacation 5: Munching berries
- Pictures from my vacation 4: George
- Jubilee coming up!
- Pictures from my vacation 3: A mother's memories
- Pictures from my vacation 2: Generational trends
Pictures from my vacation 1: New friends
- Reassurances
- Frying things and talking on the phone
- Stork stork
- Relief?
- Apparently they both studied law.
- Failures and falls
- Rodent facts
- I can see my house from here!
- Off the rails
- Dessert at the top
- Elevated conversation
- Next step in the pubcrawl...
- Food coma?
- Drink orders
- Out on the town
- Invitation
- Explain, explain, explain
New Story: Stayawaycation
- Convention Report!
- Mousing around
- Comics questions
- SIS 24 - The Stockholm International Comics Festival 2024
- Book advice
- Hugging and learning
- Change of plans
- You can always try, though...
- Travelling naked mole-rat artists
- Happy Walpurgis!
- Silence in the library?
- Size matters
- Convention Plans: Cover Plans 5
- Convention Plans: Cover Plans 4
- Convention Plans: Cover Plans 3
- Convention Plans: Cover Plans 2
- Convention Plans: Cover plans
- Spring TV
- Easter Stories: Easter Bunnies!
- Easter Stories: Easter Eggs!
- Easter Stories: Easter Hags!
- Stalling, part 4: Merchandising is Magic!
- Stalling, part 3: The Bear of Steel
- Stalling, part 2: The pup who lived
- Stalling, part 1: Riddles in the Dark
- Ways to stall
- Back at Jenny's
- The flashback is so old it is in black and white!
- Kids will be kids
- Library events, Forest style.
- Health tips
- A message from Kvalhissir himself...
- Looking out on the stars
- After action (?) report
- Back to the library
- Never stop dreaming...
- Book bag contents
- Let's get back to business..
- "Fanna, the She-Fiend"
- "Fanna, Jill of the Forest"
- Retirement hobbies
- Would you do it for a Stoat-y snack?
- Apologies and offers
- Ringing the Doorbell
- Happy New Year!
- Closer and closer...
- Milly's holiday memories
- Pull that wagon
- New mission!
- Lucia interlude!
- A major restoration project
- Introductions
New story: Work Life Disorientation
- Sixten and the challenge of Work Life Orientation
- Ida and the challenge of Work Life Orientation
- New characters...
- Lore: Martens and stoats
- Interlude: Visiting family
- Sylvia has a plan
- After the action report
- Doctor's orders
- Changed roles
- Facing things
- Eek a mouse
- Leap of faith
- Using your other senses
- Down among the dead books
- Where, where, where?
- Interlude: Comictober 9: Scaredycat
- Lost pest
- What a mistake...
- Hard to accept
- A second opinion
New story: No nose is bad nose
- Commented Rerun: Disorganisation of the Workplace
- Commented Rerun: Martha's mornings
- Commented Rerun: Customer Relations
- Commented Rerun: Fast Food
- Commented Rerun: Book Advice
- Commented Rerun: Essential library services
- Commented Rerun: Book Advice
- Commented Rerun: How it all began
- Hush!
- Paperdoll Sylvia - 2 years celebration
- Paperdoll Milly - 2 years celebration
- Paperdoll Martha - 2 years celebration
- Upcoming anniversary!
- How to identify berries
- Reading aloud
- Long Ago - Mustelid Mischief
- Long Ago - Big Kitten Collars
Long Ago - That's why they call her that
- Late Summer Fun - Shroomjacks
- Summer Fun - what if the anthropomorphic cast was more anthro?
- On vacation: this week's comiv will be late
- Summer Fun - Artisanal Products
- Summer Fun - Ball Games
- Summer Fun - Summer... Fun? part 2
- Summer Fun - Summer... Fun?
- Summer Fun - Strange Signs
- Summer Fun - Tourist Tripe
- Summer Fun - Pets and responsibility
Summer Fun - Pet names
- Epilogue
- Happy Midsummer!
- Old and new sing the same song
- Newsflash!
- News on the case
- Reference questions
- Tell it like it is, part two.
- Barbie Mugshot Meme - Tiffy and Tusse
- What do I want?
- Heart-to-heart
- Bonus comic: More cosplay, part 2.
- Bonus comic: More cosplay!
- Parallells
- Digging again!
- Remorse among the treetops
- Back to the story...
- No comic today
- Actual library work
- Well, why didn't they?
- Culprits exposed
- Hole?
- Early call
- Involuntary eavesdropping
- Important information
- A comment on the last comic: Cup Size
- Scare from above
- Mice can climb, but...
- Sidenotes: How do I look, really?
- Happy Easter 2023!
- And then he sat there
- The comic has jumped the shark!
- Old crimes
- Hate and marriage
- More about Villiam
- When Villiam was young
- Do you remember?
- Looking for answers
- Well, that's also a plan.
- Compromises
- Digga digga hole!
- Martha-vision
- Revelation
- You bet?
- Locking up the exhibition
- Klick-klick
- Valentine's Day
- Vox Populi!
- Radio journalism
- Up in arms
- And the new story begins...
New story: You can come home again, but it is kinda awkward.
- Forms and such.
- Enough snow! Looking forward to spring!
- New Header!
- Best be cautious
- The horror of snow
- That snow thing again.
Let it snow, let it snow... no, wait, don't.
- For a happier new year...
- Some things are worth it
- Christmas Moments 2022: Daddy is the Yule Goat!
- Christmas stories
- Christmas Moments 2022: Leif the Lop
- Someone got something out of this!
- Tell it like it is.
- Lucia!
- Not a disaster
- Combined performance
- More excuses...
- Thirty beasts!?
- You call this a plan?
- Excuses...
- Persuasion
- Unsafe work environment
- No comic today; here's another pic
- Not a jungle saying, a scout saying
- I can see my burrow from here!
- Trees for everything!
- The new header became a bit too busy...
- Not all Lapine Scouts are lapines...
- Be Wary! Be Ready! Be Quick!
- Notification given
- Back to our story...
- Inktober 16th: Fowl
- Inktober 15th: Armadillo
- Inktober 14th: Empty
- Inktober 13th: Kind
- Inktober 12th: Forget
- Inktober 10th: Crabby
- Inktober 9th: Nest
- Inktober 8th: Match
- Marten hunt
- Issues and demands
- Exit the pine marten
- Things get worse before they get better...
- Mustelid rage
- Running in the library
- Realizations
- Dynamic Entrance
- Cultural History Lesson
- The comic has a new icon...
New story arc: Thumpin' Rompin'
- Interlude: National Wildlife Day 4th of September
- Before the Forest, part 12
- Before the Forest, part 11
- Before the Forest, part 10
- Before the Forest, part 9
- Before the Forest, part 8
- Before the Forest, part 7
- Before the Forest, part 6
- Before the Forest part 5
- Before the Forest, part 4
- Before the Forest, part 3
- Before the Forest, part 2
- Before the Forest, part 1
The comic is one year old!
- Of course she can remove her glasses
- You'd do it as well
- Luckily this is just a fantasy
- So, the Cinema lies next to the Library...
What kind of information are we talking about?
- And then: Romance!
- Family Traits
- Achoo achoo!
- Nepenta madness
- Char sheets 2: Tusse, Monette and Tiffy.
- Char sheets 1: Sylvia, Martha and Milly
- I'm sorry to introduce my brother
- The Party Party Parties!
- Manes were in back then
- Behind the counter
- The Pub Club
- A new life?
Ancient Gossip
- Midsummer
- Don't drop things...
- Aftermath...
- All business
- Anger. Accusations. Demands.
- Disagreements
- Meet the Boss...
- A new character appears!
- Disappointment
- Smol owl
- Yes, they have a boss.
- Emergency meeting
New storyline: cleaning up!
- The enticing bunny gaze
- Happy Easter from the Gang at the Library!
- Interlude: International Pet Day 2022
- There are no free lunches
- A different form of inquisition
- Grammy's TV!
- I dont know where they keep their phones...
- No kid's chairs, apparently
- Well, here's where the marten lives
- You have to start early
- Marten tricks and entertainment
- Beware martens bearing gifts
- Interlude: Comics in libraries
- Anti-Auntie 3
- Anti-Auntie 2
- Anti-Auntie 1
- Whiskerwiggle family lore 3
- Whiskerwiggle family lore 2
- Whiskerwiggle family lore 1
- Leashed and unleashed kids 2
Leashed and unleashed kids 1
- I hate reading! 3
- I hate reading! 2
I hate reading! 1
- Seasonal occurrence
- Happy New Year from the Forest!
- Loredump: Generations of Santa
- Things to do during the holidays 3
- Things to do during the holidays 2
- Things to do during the holidays 1
- Feast of Lucia 3
- Feast of Lucia 2
Feast of Lucia 1
- Signs aren't that easy
- There are very many ways of confronting things.
- Being snarky doesn't help the rookie, Sylvia!
- Martha is a pain in the tail
- The steps to becoming a true librarian...
- Still arm troubles, so no new comics - have some old concept art of Martha
- The Reality
- Discretion, anonymity
- Putting things in their proper place
- Booohooo!
- Comictober 2021 Day 6: Bodyswap
- Comictober 2021 Day 5: Hiding
- Comictober 2021 Day 4: Genie
- Comictober 2021 Day 3: Owl
- Comictober 2021 Day 2: Hex
- Home sour home
- Comictober 2021 Day 1: Shadow
- Generations of customer service
- Diet dilemmas
- Son of the dreaded question
- Public servant
- The dreaded question
- In which things are explained, Very Basically...
In which things are explained, Very Basically...
on Aug. 22, 2021
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