Executive Initiation part 1 stage 2

Cousac on Oct. 12, 2009

Continuing from yesterday, I know this looks like a right mess. However, this helps ensure that the poses make sense, positioning is proper and scale is right.

As you can see, I've fleshed out my figures. Well,as fleshed as they're going to be, considering they're stick figures. :) I've added “crosses” in their heads, this helps with “hair posing.” For example, the doctor's headband had to tilt up slightly when he looked up at her in the second panel. By tilting that “cross,” I reminded myself of that need as well as the angle I'm going for.

Fret not though, this horrendous eyesore of a sketch will get a facelift before being ported to Inkscape. As you will see in the next post.

Until then, thanks for tuning in and apologies for any eye-bleeds this page may have caused.