338. Kelelder's Revenge 21: Upgrade

Sameth on Aug. 11, 2009

This new body is a lot swifter than his old one and some of the old hardware for his mind and memory are upgraded. He still has the same oddities that make him a fun character to write, but he can think clearer than he used to and he can pull up old memories quicker. He's also a lot quicker.

Dyona probably won't get upgraded in a while, especially since Jix and Caligos took their time moving Dyonus over to his new body.

My mom made a plush Jix, see pictures of her (and Lamerix) here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spectacularsameth/sets/72157621878119615/ She's smaller than Dyonus, though, but I didn't expect her to be life-sized.