#2 - Call Of Cthulhu 1
josif on Feb. 19, 2008
I promised my self id upload this today but since its 12:43,
I'm late! Damn me!
I've absolutely NO IDEA where this is going still, Judging by past comics there's gonna be some kinda stupid fight, a death, then an ending. HURRAH FOR BAD WRITING! :-D
I promised my self id upload this today but since its 12:43,
I'm late! Damn me!
I've absolutely NO IDEA where this is going still, Judging by past comics there's gonna be some kinda stupid fight, a death, then an ending. HURRAH FOR BAD WRITING! :-D
By the way… Its pronounced Coo-Thoo-Loo
Oh and for the people who don't spend far too much time on the Internets:
josif at 1:41PM, March 15, 2008
Yeh I got bored of this already! I lack the motivation! Sorry guys!
Eirikr at 5:33PM, Feb. 28, 2008
Yay, you're back!
Mega Greg at 5:18PM, Feb. 20, 2008
Insane Angelic at 5:03PM, Feb. 20, 2008
Heh, Fridge! What kind of monster that needs to sleep in one? Unless.... the fridge is a portal to this world! LE GASP!