SGMail #2

ShadigoXPossible on July 12, 2007

This was Originally done September 7th, 2005

If you think this comic is familiar… you've propbably seen the main Canon version i did for Season 4… It's Here BTW.

Spin off of the original SGmail episode from Kim Im-Possible, which is an obvious parody to the well known Strong Bad Emails. I soon get bored of e-mails and start playing Total Annihilation.. The wierd thing is, my base rarely gets blown up like that… Can't remember where I got that screencap of TA from… so I guess it WAS one of my (very few, BTW) errors… ^^;

SBmail - (C) The Brothers Chaps
Total Annihilation - (C) ..uhh.. Infogrames… uhh… who has the licence for that now… ?