Pointless Saku Facts #1

ShadigoXPossible on Oct. 4, 2007

Original Upload Date: 17th March 2007
Pointless Sakurs Solo fact #1: Saku Doesn't Like Hentai… BUT SHE CAN DANCE!!

I'd be lying if i said this spawned from a Chat… and I'd be right - it didn't. This is a Parody of the Random Pointless Bunny facts used to Advertise Rayman: Raving Rabbids.

This was done in 100% paint… which probably explains why it's probably 96% crap… or white - whatever way you look at it. =P I wanted… well - “intended” - to do a proper Ki-P update… but that Crackhouse that is an excuse of a Workplace, Baa Bar, Really Annoyed Me again, and I didn't really feel like doing it, so ya got this instead… because the Bunnies are funny… and they cheered me up too.