Late Entry page 9

Neilak20 on Nov. 23, 2007

Went to Wizard World Texas last weekend. It Was Awsome!
Got to hang out with Lucky and EEN and Amelius, and the DDCW's Mediocre Militia! It was exciting, but I think I was a tad bit distracted from the convention by Lucky (which isn't a bad thing, was super happy Awsome distraction time).

Anyway, the jig is up! People know I can draw. And on top of that after going to the convention and comeing home I tried working on this page, to finish it and I found that I just couldnt draw it badly like I had been. Whether thats a good thing or a bad thing is up in the air. Y'all can decide. XD

So, today I have killer allergies of doom, makeing me sneeze so much I fall over. Which makes for very bad arting.

I'm debateing writeing more onto this comic, maybe another story arc where Neila actually meets or runs into other DDCW characters. At present she wont. I wrote the script that way because I could never get in contact with other artists to collab with, so I didn't use anyone else's characters, and didnt plan to. I have debated with how Neila would meet Riot or Zac and what would happen…all I came up with was neither Riot nor Zac would really care much about her and she'd wind up in the same place she was when they met her. At present there's not much she can contribute to either cause really. I might write in some bits from WWTX to make her more interesting…something about chairs. XD

That being said, I'm off! Enjoy the page.
