All Hail the Thunderbird (Part 20)

KDog on July 25, 2018

I am really, TRULY lazy when it comes to digital effects. Yes, most comic artists today would take a picture of Ms. Galanos diving against a blank background and Photoshop it into an image of the “water.” But I struggle with blending images seamlessly, and it can be so painstaking, that I use practical methods while shooting whenever possible. In today's example, that involved the use of Fun-Tak, and several attempts at me dropping the figure until I got a motion shot that was useable. When I get really stuck, I turn to my wife, a graphic artist, for quick Photoshop fixes. She's a silent co-creator on some of these pages. :-)

I don't like to beg, but I will say that if you're a Drunk Duck member and feel I would be deserving of a Drunk Duck Award, I would be grateful for your vote!


Voting ends July 28.

— This is not an official LEGO comic. This is a tribute.