#1815 - Do you accept the challenge?

Joff on May 6, 2019

Chosen heroes these days.. You just can't rely on them..

And now onto the elephant.. Hi. I'm.. Well, I'd say “back” but I didn't really go anywhere.. Thank you for the supportive comments while I've been indisposed, and I'm sorry if anyone got truly concerned for my wellbeing. I'm fine, I'd just been lacking the energy and drive to work on the comic. Where I'd once have eight jokes fly at me in an hour, or find myself forgetting a gag I'd planned because a better one came up, more recently I kinda felt like I was trying too hard to make something work. And that just fed insecurities, which made me reject ideas more regularly while looking for the “gems”.. It grates on you. Hopefully I can find a better balance and not disappear for months on end without a word.

Thank you all for reading and enjoying the comic. It always makes me proud to think I've helped someone smile, even just for a minute.