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Liquid Lunch
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 25 messy meal / no soap
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 24 "money bags"
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 23 compound day 2:out for a kip and back
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 22 "machine parts"
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 21 hitching a lift
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 20 "Lawrence of Suburbia"
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 18 The Dig
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 18 " Desert Duke "
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 17 More than my job's worth !
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 16 ...being normal or being alive...
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 15 meeting the boy
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 14 meeting the 'widows' #2
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 13 meeting the 'widows' #1
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 12 a walk...along the beachfront
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 11 2 Ladies, home safe
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 10 "ethical feeding"
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 9 Blood spatter...
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 8 Nictitating membranes
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page 7 Single Malt
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page Six Ditching the Shades
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page Five Toasted 1
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page Four Jeep
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page Three "Thin air job"
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page Two Coffee
- Bloodhound Detective Agency " Jacked Off " Page One Quarter to 5
- -Ch. 11 Alex Ops P 22
- Liquid Lunch - Ch 11 Alex Ops P 21
- Ch. 11 Alex Ops P20
- Ch. 11 ALex OPs P19
- Ch.11 Alex P 18
- Ch, 11 .... P17
- Ch. 11 Alex Ops P16 "Doc (very) Strange"
- Ch.11 Alex OPs Page 15 Thickshakes
- Ch.11 Alex OPs Page 14 Not the guy, again...
- "God a mysterious way"
- "Sarah !? No, NO! "
- She felt queazy and trtied to get up to go to the bathroom....
- I know what you are...
- The health visitor...
- I hate to have to leave her....
- Yes, let's go home...
- Ambulance for detective
- Intuition...and the slightest of sounds
- Unconscious...or dead ?
- SHE was a redhead...that's why I chose you
- Just DRIVE first... it'll be GOOD, I promise
- Red Head ; Red Lights
- Filler/Tease/Pinup - Alex AK47 Kowalski
- Filler/UNpublished Pages Home Visit 3-3
- Filler/UNpublished Pages Home Visit 2-3
- Filler/UNpublished Pages HomeVisit 1-3
- Fillers Contd> : - Excerpt page from ButterFly Effect
- Filler Pages " "Whosgonnawantme?""
- Filler Pages : Kim'n'Phil
- Filed under S for ?
- ...and so, the following afternoon - filing time.
- ...Stella will melt away too !
- Melts in your mouth
- Did you used to like seafood, Grandad ?
- No ! He's wrong - I want to see him.
- No, Mel, he's NOT dead
- ...YOU...are the one-man vampire squad
- I think Stella dropped by the office
- Stella : ...a raise, maybe, and I'm nottalking money !
- You know Stella, of course....
- They're staked and tanked... to protect humanity - Grandad said
- ...smoking gun...bloodless knife
- No psych! - I'd rather Die !
- ...nice secure apartment complex...
- I've just remembered the Latin !
- It'll be split second...before Mel sees the gun !
- I'll just check my surveillance cams...
- Not after I've gone to so much trouble !
- you SO make me laugh !
- Nothing like a nice drive...
- what a coincidence...
- Shut up, you deadshit !
- Epilog 2 : 2 ...hope I haven't done the wrong thing...
Epilog 2 : 1 Mel dreams...and wakes
- Epilog 1 : 7 -and last "Feel no guilt"
- Epilog 1 : 6 ..."heartlets" and "oxysacks"
- Epilog 1 : 5 ...what you CAN do and what you CAN'T
- Epilog 1 : 4 a ordinary a pleasure
- Epilog 1 : 3 Resurrected....
- Epilog 1: 2 Am I damned ?
Epilogue 1 : 1 Alex...can you hear me ?
- left on the shelf. END PAGE*
- heartless, really....
- off to JMH with the body...
- "Ad Page" Hello from Leslie.....
- "...they don't last 5 minutes..."
- 'the meaning of life'
- back to the future - gunned down
- Bloodhound gets a call...
- Innocent victim ; desperate fugitive
- Hide'n'Seek
- The naked and the (un)dead
- ripping the green off
- a heap on the floor...
- Mel calls to say "aaargh!"
- sleep over ; time to hit the road !
- delivery day... night surf and collection
- evening before the delivery job.....
- courier request from Doc Nielsen
- Mel goes home ...or... 'Happy Birthday, Rynhold!"
- smiles n tears
- all sewn up !
- ...and time for a feed !
- strength is relative...
- ...over 2 litres
- Do you trust me?
- ....but it's in his hand!
- Do crocodiles eat nuts ?
- "Dobe Kiwwim !"
- Go AWAY young man
- Mel continues to rap 'bout that bad Eric 'chap'
- So...tell me about this Eric
- Eric does an "Arnie"
- ....returning to the Bloodhound Agency
- Thunder, lightning....
- Jeep and who..!?
- Cobra ...and a different snake
- Mel heads home...or maybe not !
- Mel's shopping trip 5
- Mel's shopping trip 4
- Mel's shopping tip 3
- Mel's shopping trip 2
- Filler page - "don't Jump"
- Shop(s)talk
- Mel's top-down exit
- Mel on top
- Wake up Mel !
- Doc's Duke Tale 4
- Doc's Duke Tale 3
- Doc's Duke Tale 2
- Doc's Tale of Duke 1
- safely tucked in
- She loses consciousness...
- clock continues..
- rewind the clock 1
- the mobile rings...
- lunch date 8
- lunch date 7
- lunch date 6
- lunch date 5
- lunch date 4
- lunch date 3
- lunch date 2
- lunch date 1
- and so to bed.
- boat ride back in...
- re-surfacing
- sink like a stone
- girl overboard
- Boat, babes....
- get over yourself
- You can forget everything out here...
- Chapter Prologue Page
- ...and into the vaults
- Up from my pit
- "Cardinal" Ruhl
- meanwhile....
- Alex Zzzzs
- Alex Y?
- Alex X
- Alex becomes aware...
- Divan 2
- Divan Helsing ?
- Questions, questions
- Skinny dip ...klik
- Dawn surf...sunblock xtra
- Recovery 3
- Recovery 2
- Recovery ?
- "Home Alone"
- Theatre
- Persuasion of Alex 3
- Persuasion of Alex 2
- Persuasion of Alex 1
- Checking back with Doc 2
- Nightcap?
- Dinner with Albert
- Quick check back with the Doc...
Chapter 5: Goodbye Alex ! P1
- ..and rolled over for comfort.
- ...and so to bed.
- Back at J.M.H. -sample handed over; bloods taken
- Aftermath: top down, nearly home
- Aftermath - top down; long trip
- Aftermath - freshen up; hit the road
- Aftermath 2 - worried about Alex
- Aftermath 1
- Final Trail 10
- Final Trail 9
- Final Trail 7
- Final Trail 6
- Final Trail 5
- Final Trail 4
- Final trail 3
- Final trail 2
- On the final trail 1
- Beyond Cunlac 3
- Beyond Cunlac 2
- Beyond CunLAC-
- Cunlackindine Hotel
- Chapter Four: Beyond the Black Stump - Cunlackandine & Beyond
- Feral 2
- Feral 1
- Twins 7 - the accident 2
- Twins 6 - the accident
- Twins 5
- Twins 4
- Twins 3
- Twins 2
- Alex mission...twins 1
- Alex last mission #3
- Alex' last mission 2
- Alex' last mission #1
- Back from Banana Bay....
- Layla's story last
- Layla's story X
- Layla's story 9
- Layla's story 8
- Layla's story 7
- Layla's story 6
- Layla's story 5
- B.B.H. - Layla's story 4
- B.B.H - Layla's story 3
- B.B.H - Layla's story 2
- B.B.H - Layla's story 1
- B.B. Hospital 4
- B.B.Hospital 3
- B.B.Hospital 2
- at
- Off to BB
- Bad news
- Deep Sea Dave show
Chapter Three : Deep Sea dave Show...p1.Surf after Alex...
- Beers after Alex
- Alex calls 5
- Alex Calls 4
- Alex calls 3
- Alex calls 2
- Alex calls again
- Rich in JMH
- Alex in JMH
- da vey-ron-ron-ron
- emergencies ***** services
- nun-too-soon
- murder inferior 3
- murder inferior 2
- murder inferior 1
- murder superior 3
- murder superior 2
- murder superior 1
- going down 4
- going down 3
- going down 2
- Going down 1
- nun-for-your-life 5
- nun-for-your-life 4
- nun-for-your-life 3
- nun-for-your-life 2
- nun-for-your-life 1
- Nun today, thanks
- after the limo outing
- out early in the limo...
- Home from servo 2
- Home from servo 1
- Servo 5
- Servo 4
- Servo 3
- Servo 2
- Servo 1
Chapter 2 Dawn - start of a big day...
- and more exercise...
- Doc & Dieu exercise
- Doc & Dieu 3
- Doc & Dieu 2
- Doc & Dieu
- Ed the Fed 3
- Ed the Fed 2
- Ed the Fed 1
- Hot night hinterland
- another p-c-n 7
- another p-c-n 6
- another p-c-n 5
- another p-c-n 4
- another p-c-n 3
- another p-c-n 2
- another post-casino night
- after casino...
- back at the casino...
- settled in...
- back in the briny
- Fitness
- Parcour
- shopping mall chas2
- shopping mall chase
- Day life
- sundown=nightlife 2
- sundown=nightlife 1
Chapter 1 The Voice
Prologue to Chapter 1
- Bed 2
- Bed 1
- after Albert departs
- Albert 3
- Albert 2
- meeting Albert
- ...and into Doc's pad
- Out of JMH...
- 2nd stay JMH 3
- 2nd stay JMH 2
- 2nd stay at JMH
- ambo crew back to JMH
- out cold in the a.m.
- teeth problem
- bathroom chunder
- night scare
- Interim...
- CDC bloke 2
- continued care...CDC bloke's visit.
- Ambulances arrive...
- Doc treats the crash victims...
- Dragged from the car...
- Driving home 5 - Doc lands
- Driving home 4 - Doc Flies
- Driving home 3 - Kombi 2
- Driving home 2 - Kombi 1
- Driving home
- On dialysis
- UNcle Dave surfaris 2
- Uncle Dave surfaris 1
- Uncle Dave Kombi
Chapter #0 Prologue/Intro.
Prologue page
- Title Page
Title Page
on Dec. 25, 2010
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