Opening. A Resistance Is Underfoot

ParkerFarker on May 11, 2009

This comic is a collection of my drawings from school. (I'm 14 and in year 9 (or 9th grade to the Americans (= )) sorry about that awkward emoticon/double-brackets ensemble btw. But yeah i might piece together the drawings and make a silent comic when I'm done.

Yeah, to me, the story behind this one is that the flying dude is working against the government and the norm (the city on right) because he senses something wrong. So, out in the rocky badlands of one of Jupiter's moons he builds an underground bunker and a space ship capable of something. Not sure what yet, though. I drew this on computer paper 'cause a buddy wanted me to draw him something. The rest is in my little agenda (the HW is written there too, just look around that)