Wordweaver_three on Jan. 27, 2011
Yeah, I know this is poop.
But I'm here to let you know that I have not forgotten this project.
I've had some cpu and…uh…motivation issues. Plus there seems to be a learning curve on CS5. Making me want to go back to CS3. The ol' tablet is about shot too.
I am working on the next page though.
ecchi_kitty at 6:54PM, June 3, 2018
*poke* *poke*?
Scythe Massakur at 3:52PM, Nov. 14, 2013
*pokes comic* It's not moving!
ecchi_kitty at 5:48PM, March 3, 2013
Hope springs eternal
Asamurai7 at 10:06PM, March 2, 2013
what happen man this comic was good then you stop why
KingZombie999 at 10:36AM, Sept. 12, 2012
Hmm. I was quite enjoying this. Hopefully it will return and continue
b_templar428 at 1:15PM, June 3, 2012
broken page is broken.
Kou the Mad at 11:42PM, March 22, 2012
a simple "yes im still working on it" or "nope, i'm done with it" would suffice.
Fish_legs5 at 1:41PM, Feb. 27, 2012
I will hunt you down, find you, trap you in a corner and beg on my knees for another page. or I can find you and force you to do it. please don't make me beg. I never beg to anyone.
Squirrel Master at 12:17PM, Dec. 16, 2011
Still here
DOne25 at 10:16AM, Nov. 21, 2011
You still alive?
Scythe Massakur at 9:06AM, Nov. 16, 2011
I grow disappointed...
Kou the Mad at 3:41AM, Sept. 28, 2011
it won't let me see it
Dragonlorddraco at 9:22AM, June 23, 2011
Please update...I BEG OF YOU!!!
Scythe Massakur at 2:02AM, March 27, 2011
RAWR! Hurry and update, damn you! ;P
Anonthony13 at 2:00PM, March 21, 2011
please come back to this asap i really want to know whats going to happen i only found a few comics really worth reading and this is one of them. heck ii check back on this one before any of the rest.
ecchi_kitty at 5:26PM, Feb. 6, 2011
Well, the DD fubar hasn't been helping matters... I recomend blaming things on that.
Lemniskate at 1:52AM, Jan. 30, 2011
I bet you fibbed about the number of zombies!
Darius Drake at 1:03PM, Jan. 28, 2011
Eh, we're used to long waits from you. I didn't even realise that there was something other than a normal break between pages.
Dragonlorddraco at 11:08AM, Jan. 28, 2011
Finally!!!...Proof that you are not dead...
gundamrx79 at 9:30AM, Jan. 28, 2011
b_templar428 at 6:16AM, Jan. 28, 2011
and i'm waiting....waiting....waiting....waiting....waitin g....waiting....waiting....waiting....waiting....w aitin g....waiting....waiting....waiting....waiting....w aitin g....waiting....waiting....waiting....and still waiting....waiting....waiting....waiting....waitin g....waiting....waiting....waiting....waiting....w aitin g....waiting....waiting....waiting....waiting....GIMME MY MONIES WORTH...thats right i didnt pay ^^;;
Deraymou at 2:46AM, Jan. 28, 2011
I'm still here. Still waiting... This comic is worth the wait. :3 Ah'm cheerin' for ya from the stands, boss