Sixth Manzai - Logic Harder to Understand than Diamond

Kaji Motomiya on Dec. 23, 2011

This comic is dedicated to Minecraft. I'll admit…I'm not exactly proud of it, since the jokes are beyond simplistic, so I'll try my best to explain them.

The first joke, Matoku confuses one of the only noticeable green things in the game, the infamous Creepers, for trees (which is actually brown, and that the leaves would usually disappear when you take the “brown” wood out). Punching a Creeper does less damage than using weapons/tools, and would most likely result in you dying in an explosion before you can kill it.

The second joke is related to the basic action in Minecraft to obtaining anything: punching. Minecraft related art, such as peahat's depiction of gathering trees, defines the most basic action in Minecraft besides walking as punching. Punching will net you most things but rocks and minerals, and it takes longer to clear anything with your bare fists than when using a tools. That means that Mato hasn't grasped the concept of tools, resulting in Yomita calling her a terrible Minecraft player and punching her.

I could have thrown in a Fist of the North Star joke, but having Yomita yell “Atatatatatata” would've been weird.

I thought I uploaded this comic weeks ago. My bad.