- The Resistance's leader
- Prometheus betrayed?
- Prometheus is not amused
- Comfort in her darkest hour
- First Encounter
- Backup arrives
- Depravity
- The Dark Hunter's ruse
- The death of Staggroff
- Getting through to him
- AZ Alignment Grid
- Unexpected Help
- The mandatory recap issue
- Chapter 5 intro
- Something she has to do (end of chapter 4)
- Sound the Retreat!
- Standards
- Aile fights for her friends
- Oh Snap...
- Tag in/ Fencing Reploids
- An underhanded tactic
- Fights all around
- A Maverick's Honor
- First Lieutenant Ekrail
- That was...anticlimatic
- AZ Bios: Flizard
- AZ Bios: Omega
- AZ Bios: Mantisk
- AZ Bios: Foxtar
- AZ Bios: Prometheus
- Status Report
- A Rocky Start
- Battle Against the Dark Hunter
- An AZ Christmas: Conclusion
- An AZ Christmas: Elpizo and Lev
- An AZ Christmas: Prometheus and Foxtar (WTF?)
- An AZ Christmas: Craft and Niege
- An AZ Christmas: Alouette and Ciel
- An AZ Christmas: Phantom and Aile/Vent
- An AZ Christmas: X and Sparky
- An AZ Christmas: Harpuia and Fefnir
- An AZ Christmas: Prelude
- No Go on Going Solo
- Vent X
- Leave it to Fefnir
- Battle Preparations
- Phantom is f***ing PISSED
- The Dark Hunter's entrance
- What could possibly go wrong?
- Bets and Tests
- Playing on his ego
- AZ Halloween 2008
- Mantisk, The Dark Hunter
- Practice makes perfect
- Sibling charms
- Chapter 4: A not so routine initiation
- Enter the Resistence
- Samus Aran, eat your heart out
- Power Up!
- Head in the clou...er, snow/Da na na NAAA
- Mano-a-mano/The truth hurts
- Charging in/Get the voices outta my head!
- That old nagging feeling
- Beware the dumb ones
- Into the Plains
- Staggroff, the icy imbecile
- Move out!/introductions all around
- The Hunt is On
- The travelling scientist
- Moving day/Pacifism? What's that?
- Kraken's final request
- 2 Reploids, a girl and a dog
- Ch. 3: The Pantheon Resistence
- At least it's not a raptor
- Death threats build character!
- Saved by the teleport
- Like a rat
- The death of Volteel
- Rules of combat/Reinforcements!
- We're still here, you know
- Showdown with Flizard and Volteel, pt. 2
- Showdown with Flizard and Volteel, pt. 1
- The battle begins!
- Welcoming wagon
- The Helmet/Nearly There
- The Biometals
- Double Team Action!
- Aile ZX
- Special announcement
- 50 ISSUES!!!
- Enter Aile
- Reunion
- Victory!....sorta
- Playing it safe.
- Filler: BGHQ's 'construction'
- Happy Holidays!
- It's not easy, is it?
- Omega's Power
- The Dark Messiah
- Foreshadowing, ho!/ WAKE UP, PEOPLE!
- Hints at a Relationship?
- Search and Rescue
- Rest Stop
- Death From Above!
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Desert Ambush!
- Volteel likes to kill stuff
- Why you DO NOT mess with Elpizo
- Deadly Interruption!
- Let's Split Up, Gang!
- Happy Halloween!
- FILLER: Writer's Block Virus
- Mission Briefing
- Alouette's new clothes
- Perverted Devils
- CH 2. The Rainbow Devil Project, Start
- The Interrogation goes on
- Craft's Survival Story, End/The Interrogation begins
- Craft's Survival Story, part 2
- Craft's Survival Story, part 1
- Prometheus' new plan/Return of Omega
- Pranks, introductions, and "interrogation"
- Return of Phantom
- Return of X/All's forgiven
- Hellbat Apprehended!
- The Mavericks fight back!
- Elpizo and Lev vs. Foxstar!/Peekaboo!
- Don't mess with Craft!/X's new body
- Harpuia and Craft to the rescue!
- Maverick Assault!
- Fefnir's not-so-boring guard duty
- Lev's peptalk
- Ciel's Authority
- Prometheus' Orders
- Lev's flashback, part 3/enter the villain
- Lev's flashback, part 2
- Lev's fashback, part 1
- Enter Lev and Craft
- Elpizo fights!
- Elpizo's lengthy battle mode!!
- The voice knows much...and is a jerk.
- Elpizo's wakeup call
- Chapter 1
Elpizo's wakeup call
lordofthegames on Aug. 23, 2007
Here it is, the first page of After Zero, and the first page of chapter 1. As I said last time, Elpizo will be the main character, along with the Guardians and possibly Ciel. And I have a pretty good idea who I'm going to use for the mystery voice, so you'll have to wait and see.