Dia de los Muertos, Page 4

Xiam on Oct. 4, 2009


I really wish I had more of her in this minicomic, but unfortunately, the story is elsewhere. But we will have our second half of the duo by the end of the week. That'll be nice, yes?

I cut some corners in this comic. You can tell. I only really drew two panels, and copypasted from the first page into the first panel, and kinda copied the second panel to paste in the third, and… well, I actually edited the mouth on the second panel, rather than the third, haha…

I didn't feel like drawing the background for Melody.

I was actually very tempted to draw her voice bubble like everybody else's, purely to show her not having been affected by Death. But then I'd hafta tip over Heather's bubble, Samael's bubble… someone else's who I'm not currently at liberty to discuss…

And that is just way too much. I kinda like Melody being unique. Then again, her close relationship to Death may single her out away from Heather and Samael… though probably not the certain other individual who I am not at liberty to discuss.

And I don't even know where this old fella would fit into the mix. Ah, well.

I'm still very hesitant about this story. I think it'll make more sense later on, but… egh, I dunno. I really wish I'd done a Boogeyman story.