Afraid of disappointing everyone...
Deathfire on Feb. 23, 2009
I bet all of you guys expected this. Another artist just dropping her project out of the blue, and I promised that I wouldn't. I've been so distracted lately, and haven't been dedicated to this project at all.
LET ME TELL YOU THIS. I am NOT dropping the project completely. I'm just going to put this on a halt until I can DISCIPLINE myself to be able to update on time and also have quality pages with it.
I feel that since I'm doing this for free and that it's my own schedule, I feel less obligated to updated on a strict level. And I know…that's not good. So lately I've been entering battle comic tourneys that have set due dates to help push my self-discipline and help me turn in things on time.
So I'm basically going through “rehab” and will come back with better stuff when I can train myself to do better with this whole webcomic thing.
I'm ALWAYS ACTIVE ONLINE, so be sure to VISIT MY WEBSITE, and ALSO CHECK ME OUT ON VOID! If you haven't heard of Void, it's a well-known battle comics site and I'm in the process of joining and doing a LOAD of sequentials on there, so please check me out! (I'm Pigeon_Maiden on there)
I apologize dearly, and I hope you guys can empathize with my situation. I just have a serious lack of self-discipline, and I hope to get a bit better enough to continue with my webcomic.
(I hope you guys at least enjoy the new revamped designs…^^' They're slight, but better. :D )
Roken at 10:01PM, Nov. 11, 2009
I deeply enjoy your work, I don't really say things like that much.
Samota at 12:25PM, Sept. 17, 2009
can't wait to read more!!!>
osakilina at 9:45PM, June 11, 2009
The art and story for this is amazing!
webcomics heh at 10:54AM, May 4, 2009
I thought animooz were about chicks and tentacles. Instead I'm seeing a bunch of dude-heads. Still, I like the cut of your jib.
Fly Hue at 4:48PM, Feb. 24, 2009
It's nice to hear that you're willing to push yourself at least. Good Job! I'll make sure to add you to my watchlist.
Evil_Snuffkin at 2:25PM, Feb. 24, 2009
Darn it, I'm gonna miss this comic. See you when you get out of rehab XP
DarkChibiShadow at 11:14AM, Feb. 24, 2009
I forgot to say, I don't think I can emphalise... When my scanner was up, god damnit all get up again, I used to update everyday and my comic was one of the most well known comics on DrunkDuck. EVERYDAY MAN, EVERYDAY I UPDATED WIRES 2. And once my scanner gets back up it'll be everyday again and rank 20-14 again. HURGH DETERMINATION. [i]ugh, now it feels like I was bragging...nevermind...[/i]
Mummymetaller at 5:23AM, Feb. 24, 2009
Cool *goes to check out other galleries*
Skrit54321 at 4:33AM, Feb. 24, 2009
it's cool =] this is a good comic, so I can wait :3
Sei at 12:32AM, Feb. 24, 2009
Your pencil sketches are beautiful! That's cool, I support you with what you're doing- I dearly need some self discipline myself D:. Would you ever consider posting any of your battle comics here to read?