171: Are You Sure This Isn't A Page for Marred Visage?

Blind Person on May 27, 2010

This has been a bad enough updating week as it is, and I'll top it all off by not updating Marred Visage today! Maybe this will count for both because of how suspiciously familiar this type of scene seems… lol. Anyway, I'll try to update better next week.
As for the page itself, well its quite a bit different than I had originally planned, as the original had Shikamaru being quite a bit more dickish than he is in the final version. Then I realized “If Shikamaru is my favorite character, why exactly am I making him so hatable?” So in response to that, I made the page you see today. Seriously though, it wasn't until writing this page that I thought of that, and I suppose it would eliminate a lot of nagging questions that might come up later.