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Dai on Feb. 7, 2006
Aaah sorry for lack of updates… Been very busy… will start the daily updating again today, till it catches up with the SJ archive.v_v I'm so busy~
Kali at 6:04AM, March 20, 2008
whoop! Please update and fav'd!
shino at 10:39AM, Feb. 6, 2008
rmmanuel at 2:44AM, Jan. 28, 2008
what a great page!!!
Kare at 10:42AM, Dec. 7, 2006
ooh cool
Darkmax at 7:01AM, Nov. 4, 2006
Very cool!!!
momogirl101 at 7:32PM, Sept. 3, 2006
finally what???? i'm waiting??
Icefox101 at 1:44PM, June 29, 2006
This is really good so far. I'll keep an eye on it.
Nigellashade at 2:09AM, April 10, 2006
Cave ,,all alone,,and no contact with anyone...wonder what he does in his spare time, locked up in chains for so long.. Good page updatem & it's lovely line-artworks! ^___^ ~M~ v~~~~v
BloodFusion at 1:15PM, March 30, 2006
finally someone has come to free him!
ZoeStead at 3:22PM, March 1, 2006
Ohhh I love the wings!!!
Randal at 8:34PM, Feb. 17, 2006
finally what?
Kali at 6:04AM, March 20, 2008
whoop! Please update and fav'd!
shino at 10:39AM, Feb. 6, 2008
rmmanuel at 2:44AM, Jan. 28, 2008
what a great page!!!
Kare at 10:42AM, Dec. 7, 2006
ooh cool
Darkmax at 7:01AM, Nov. 4, 2006
Very cool!!!
momogirl101 at 7:32PM, Sept. 3, 2006
finally what???? i'm waiting??
Icefox101 at 1:44PM, June 29, 2006
This is really good so far. I'll keep an eye on it.
Nigellashade at 2:09AM, April 10, 2006
Cave ,,all alone,,and no contact with anyone...wonder what he does in his spare time, locked up in chains for so long.. Good page updatem & it's lovely line-artworks! ^___^ ~M~ v~~~~v
BloodFusion at 1:15PM, March 30, 2006
finally someone has come to free him!
ZoeStead at 3:22PM, March 1, 2006
Ohhh I love the wings!!!
Randal at 8:34PM, Feb. 17, 2006
finally what?