Acceptance Speech

Jake Richmond on Nov. 20, 2011

Modest Medusa won the 2011 Drunk Duck Award for Best Overall Comic Strip! Modest Medusa first appeared on Drunk Duck in early 2011 after a rocky start over at Webcomics Nation. Its noexaggerationto say that big part of why MM became so popular so quickly was Drunk Ducks super friendly and supportive community. When I finally decided to move the strip to a lot of the Drunk Duck readers followed us over, but I think its a realtestamentto the strength of the community that so many continued to read the comic there. Im pretty sure Drunk Duck will always be Modest Medusas second home. Thanks everyone!
Youll remember that I mentioned Tyler Kickstarterlast week. Tyler is close to reaching his funding goal for this amazing set of papercrafted toys and and games, but still needs a bit of support to reah the $1000 mark, where hell include special Modest Medusa game pieces for his game Bluffing Style Chess. Tyler is a pal, and I really dig BSC, so Im totally encouraging you to donate!
Speaking of Kickstarters, if youre looking for a cute holiday gift for a kid who is just a bit to young to enjoy Modest Medusa, please check out theKitty Egg Crayon Kickstarter. My friends and neighbors Sara and Ben have created this super cute set of custom made beeswax crayons. They are very, very cute,a nd totally worth your donation!
The Modest Medusa Kickstarter? Thanks for asking! The books are still expected sometime next month. For those of you waiting for Chocodiles, Im expecting word from the distributor that those will ship this week or early next week. Stickers and hand colored panels will of course ship with the books themselves, but prints will likely be sent out near the beginning of next month. Ill need to check in with Lilineko to see how that hats are coming, but I think we can expect to see those next month as well! Please let me know if you have any questions.