There and back again, part 273

Jake Richmond on April 4, 2019

Hi everyone! The new Bundle of Holding is a nearly complete digital collection of my comics and games!

Allen Varney (who runs Bundle of Holding) has generously organized this special digital bundle to help with my recent computer problem, and its an amazing deal! If you’re a fan of my comics and games you’ll want to check it out.

For just $4.95 (a $24 value) This digital bundle includes:
- Modest Medusa Season 1 (and the Modest Medusa Coloring Book)
- Tokyo Brain Pop (an RPG by myself and Matt Schlotte)
- Classroom Deathmatch (an RPG by Matt, Nick Smith and myself)
- Sea Dracula (a party game by Nick and I)

Theres also an expanded offer starting at $9.95 (a $56 value ) including
- The Magical Land of Yeld (an RPG by myself and Nick)
- Yeld: Towns & Territories (and expansion for Yeld)
- Tulip Academy (an RPG by Nick Smith)
- Modest Medusa Season 2 and 3
- Ocean (an rpg by myself)
- Pirates of Yeld (a Yeld mini comic)

Part of the proceeds for this amazing bundle go to a charity to help RPG creators, and the rest are shared by Nick, Matt and I, with my part going to pay for new computer equipment that I need to continue my work (and i’m super excited to get to work with a computer thats not a decade old!)

This Bundle runs until the 14th, Please check it out! And thanks so much to Allen for organizing it!

- Jake