Tiny little fishy, who could you really be?

Jake Richmond on Nov. 10, 2019

- I'll be at Kumoricon in Portland next weekend! this is my first time at my hometown anime show in a  few years, so please come see me if you're at the show! Find me at booth SP8!

- The Modest Medusa Miniatures Kickstarter ends this Friday. Thanks to your help we'll be producing a big series of cute Modest Medusa miniatures! Our series includes 14 different miniatures, including all the Medusa sisters, the mermaids Jen and Deb and even Ekans! they look great, and I think they'll be a blast to collect and paint (if you like painting). I'm looking forward to doing a second series next year! if you'd like to be part of this Kickstarter we still have a few days!