Marah and the Pirates

Jake Richmond on April 5, 2020

This season of Modest Medusa is called Marah and the Pirates. In case you're confused, this story takes place between MM seasons 2 and 3, after Urano was killed by the Knight of Chains and Modest was taken by Vargas and Kerriogr to Dragul's castle, where she met her Mother and her Sisters. I hope you were wanting to see more of Marah and Captain Jaspar and his crew, because yo're about to get a full season of them. I expect Season 7 to run for about 110 pages, so if all goes well this story will take just over a year to tell. We'll check in with Modest and her friends every now and then too!

I want to thank you all for sticking with my comic, both through the hiatus of the last few months and during the current epidemic. I appreciate your comments, your messages and your support. I'm afraid things may get worse for a lot of people before they get better, but I'll still be here making comics, and I hope you'll still come to check them out.

Stay safe and healthy.

- Jake