Election 2020

Jake Richmond on Oct. 30, 2020

- The American election is in just a few days. Please vote. Vote against Trump, even if you don't love Biden. I'm begging you.

- As a side note, any time I post something political here (or more often, on my other comic Ghost Kiss) a lot of people come out of the woodwork complaining that they don't come here for politics. They also very often want to argue. Over at Ghost Kiss I've been arguing with readers about the murder of Heather Hayes and the Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right" rally for literally 3 years. So let me be very clear: I’m not going to argue with you about Trump. If you support Trump and plan to vote for him I don't want to hear your opinion, I don't want to know you and I don't want you reading my comic.

If you don't like this strip than just skip it. Come back next week. In the meantime, go vote Trump out!