The Almighty Shopkeeper

SansTalent on May 19, 2010

In roleplaying games, all shops are always attended by retired adventurers who are still strong enough to wipe the floor with your party. It seems like the standard thing to do after a life of heroic adventuring is to go to some backwater town and dealing in weapons and goods for the next generation of adventurers.

Of course, the real reason is that, if the shopkeeper wasn't so utterly unbeatable that nobody ever tries to hit him, the players would just kill him and take the weapons and their gold. Then they'd do the same on every shop they'd go to, which would make you think they would no longer bother carrying gold then. But I somehow doubt it.

And, the game system. I promised I'd reveal it, isn't it? Savage Worlds. I know, it's not that good of a pun. It gets a bit better if you know about the Savage Land, but not by a lot.
I guess a disclaimer is in order: I haven't actually played Savage Worlds. I have just a passing knowledge of the system, but everything I've heard about it sounds great. So they are playing that, in spirit.