Magnus 'n' Grill

SansTalent on June 13, 2010

Told you I'd do something different with him.
And obviously Mark got some sort of campaign information when he signed up for a plot-relevant character, just like Pete back then. That's how he knew that Victor's last name was Creed.

And of course I just had to poke fun at those names. The Hellfire Club is more or less excused, seeing as it's supposed to be a legitimate club, which in turn is a front for a criminal organization. More accurately, the criminal group should be called either “The Inner Circle” or “The Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club”, but the first just doesn't sound any impressive, and the second makes it sound like a sect. Plus, who cares?
But Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants just has no excuse. I'd like to make a “may as well X” joke, but seriously I can't think of anything more blatant. True, they leave the word “evil” out sometimes, but Magneto has used the full name, and one is enough.

And lastly, he's moving that chair magnetically in the middle panel. You can't see it because it's a comic.