Archieves 1
Tragic Rabbit on March 27, 2007
Hello and welcome to NWF. Now first for some quick clarifying…
This comic was originaly hosted on Geocities, buti had this nasty habit of exceding my badwidth, so I moved it over here. The comics listed as “Archieves” in the title are just the old comics moved over, so they are about a year old, please dont judge NWF by there poor quality ^ ^;
Anyway, once I have all the back comics up and running I'll start a posting schedual. Right now I'm shooting for monday wendsday friday like most comics but we shall see how that goes.
Later folks, I'm off to go scale a mountain of ice cream
chii at 7:22AM, June 25, 2007
Yay I got my comment off first XD
chii at 7:22AM, June 25, 2007
Rawr I was looking at the comic then it just refreshed and changed! Zomg magicx!
Tragic Rabbit at 9:01PM, June 7, 2007
NOTE: no one gets this joke. dont feel bad if you dont. it wasnt a particularly good comic, but it was the first and it shows how far ive come (the joke is suposed to be our choir teacher has this thing about couples having to be at least 6 inches apart. no cuddling in class)