Page - 137 [ Here's Johnny! ]

Fyrsiel on April 9, 2007

DDDDxxxx oh gods. Um, I can't say much because my monitor keeps cutting itself off on me every five minutes or so…

Sorry for such a late late page. D,x And on top of that, there isn't even much to this page. ;__; *aw here goes the monitor* *types with it turned off for a second….*

My monitor has slowly been getting worse over the week, but lately it's really slowing down production here. I can't get some of my school assignments done either. DDDDxxx *hozhiz…*

But on top of that, I've been just really low on motivation lately. ;__; I don't mean to be but it's just happening. To the point where I'm kind of avoiding the computer because I want a break from being on this machine aaaaall the time. *nyer* On the bright side, though, my neglected video games are having dust blown off of them and they're being played again. _xD

Nyer, anyway… ;___; So, I won't be able to answer commentts tonight. I'm sorry, I'm sorry because this is thte second update in a row. DDDxxxx But I can't answer comments with my monitor acting up like this. =__= Otherwise it will take all the rest of the night and it's already three in the morning. = =; (wait, make that four in the morning).

Yeye the monitor is back on again. But I'm going to have to sign out for the night. ;__; Sorry again… *and such a boring crappy page to boot. DDDDxxx *bites computer screen*

HOWEVER… this page is so boring because it's a segway… the next page is Hymes formal introduction. Dx I am excited… I hope my motivation picks up so that I can get that page done on time… I hope, I hope. Dxxx *guh*

Okay, so, that'll be all from me tonight, folks. @___@ Happy Easter, by the way!

Ciao for now! *zips off to bed* Dx