FFS #5: Seems Reasonable...

Valtiel on Sept. 1, 2007

First and foremost, in case it's not obvious to some people (it wasn't to anyone who got to see the comic early), that is a liquor cabinet in the last frame. It was the one drawback to doing this comic, but that's all right.

The only reason this comic came around was because of the less than stellar ending the previous comic had, in my eyes at least. I'm glad, too, because I think this comic really lends a lot to the characters to show who is who as far as intelligence goes. We've got one bitter guy, and one guy who just doesn't think like everyone else. Good.

I was able to take some time to go see Rob Zombie's Halloween yesterday morning, and I have to say that it was a really good movie. Being a fan of the original, I was shocked to see how he executed the plot. A lot was added to the overall story, but nothing that changed it drastically. If anything, you get more time to see Michael Myers develop as a character, which I thought was a pretty good idea to have.

I might end up seeing the movie again, but at this point, with how money is, I don't know how likely that is going to be. I wish I had more to say, but I am tired, and Fifth Element is on.
