Marvel Loves DC: Clowning Around

Egg Comics on July 2, 2014

To be fair, I dunno if this is actually WHY DC defaced the Joker, but, considering the personal politics of some of their writing staff, and the treatment of many of their characters that “just happen to coincide” with said characters' races, genders and sexualities, would you REALLY be surprised if this strip was on the money?

But hey, Joker's a villain, right? Such unnecessary physical and/or emotional torture-porn never happen to the good guys, right, Spidey?

Oops. maybe I'm asking the wrong guy.
Maybe I'll ask Jason Todd.
Or Ted Kord.
Or Pre-52 Roy Harper.
Or Hank Pym.
Or Charles Xavier.
Or Henry McCoy.
Or Simon Williams.
Or Wally West.
Or Jenni Ognats.
Or Scott Summers.

The list goes on and on….
As one might expect, the whole Superior Spider-man thing has finally reversed itself, and Pete's back. Status Quo reigns supreme over nearly everyone.
Marvel Loves DC is a current project as of this writing. Half these strips almost became strips for my comic “Back To Status Quo”, which can be found here on the Duck, or on SmackJeeves.