Masque Magazine: August 2010

Egg Comics on Sept. 12, 2014

Masque Magazine is the kind of magazine that I would have liked to have seen when I was younger.
Or made.
So I did.
I melded it into my own projects by way of it's creator/publisher, Damian Gray. A photographer and entrepreneur in Universe 84013-G who found that he had the ability to travel from parallel Earth to parallel Earth at will. He was fascinated by superpowers and superheroes, but,
instead of becoming a superhero, or whatever, he learned to do what he loved. Photography, journalism and such and founded a magazine in each of the Earths he traveled to.
(Each one that had superheroes, anyway.)
Sadly, I seemed to have misplaced/erased most of the Masque covers I have made, but I am still looking.
For now, I will reload the ones I have.==================================================This is the last one I have been able to locate, but I am still looking through my thousands of old files.===================================================August of 2010 brought us back to good ol' Universe 99101-X.The girls of the StarBrats posed for us on the beach, and our photographers have never been happier.This is also the first multiple subject cover for Masque.Neutrino, Armada, Brahma… and, Armada.The Watchamacallitis a creation of the magnificent monsterphile known as